  • มหาวิทยาลัยหอการค้าไทย ปริญญาตรี
    Professional Summary :
    สาขาที่เชี่ยวชาญ :
    ประสบการณ์ในการทำงาน :

    Managing Director , Nikro Group Co., Ltd.

    กรุงเทพมหานคร , ไทย

    • Create and report on business plans, monitoring their efficacy and progress. 
    • Manage resources, including the attracting, hiring and retention of personnel. 
    • Maintain the quality of products, services, customer support and level of service in line with service level agreements and other retention strategies. 
    • Action in marketing consulting business unit.

    Editor in Chief , Big dreams Publisher House

    , ไทย

    • Write and publish books. Produce books with another writer.
    • Maintain the marketing campaign and marketing strategy.
    • Maintain content on the media of the business unit.
    • Coordinate with a third party company. Book store, National Library of Thailand.
    ประวัติการศึกษา :
    , วิทยาลัยผู้ประกอบการ
    , 2019-05-15

    กรุงเทพมหานคร , ไทย

    • Relevant Coursework: English communication for business.
    • Thesis: Marketing 5A theory works for local businesses.
    • Scholarship Project: Build a small business from foundation funding 20,000 Bath | Planner Industry
    • Scholarship Project: Managed Business Unit from foundation funding 200,000 Bath | Polo formal 
    • Scholarship Project: Managed Business Organization from foundation funding 1,000,000 Bath | Dummy company
    • Volunteer Project: Curators at TEDxUTCC | TEDxUTCC Talks Conference
    • Volunteer Project: Against cold in other provinces | A Sustainable Community of Giving
    University of Sheffield
    Master degree
    , MSc
    , 2023-08-31

    Sheffield , United Kingdom